What We Do

Residential Services

Residential Services

Personalized programs to meet the specific needs of an individual in the home, as well as out in the community.

Remote Support Services

Remote Support Services

Off-site support through assistive technology to promote and increase independence, while having assistance at the touch of a button.

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Shared Living & Respite Services

Shared Living & Respite Services

Working side-by-side with independent providers to offer an alternative for individuals to live in their homes and enjoy a family setting.

Adult Day & Employment Services

Adult Day & Employment Services

3-in-1 programming covering recreation/leisure, vocational training, and community integrated work/volunteer opportunities throughout the day.

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Non-Medical Transportation

Non-Medical Transportation

Assisting participants who are in need of transportation services with non-medical transportation to and from our program, as well as to and from their place of work.

Community Transitions Services

Community Transitions Services

Reimbursement of non-recurring household start-up expenses for an individual who previously lived in an intermediate care facility or nursing facility for the past 90 days and is transitioning to enrollment in the Individual Options Waiver.